Project Recap: Los Angeles Food Policy Council


Recapping some of my work from last year. Got to do some creative strategy + re-branding for a pioneering food justice organization in @lagoodfood. They work to create local food systems free from hunger, rooted in equity and access, supportive of farmers and food workers, and guided by principles of environmental stewardship and regeneration.

When we met their folks (thanks for the link @cbrons!) they had long since been building their presence on the web and had a refined sense of who they were but hadn’t developed a real look they were happy with in terms of branding & design. Their logo was super old and a definite pain point despite the amazing work they obviously do. They felt they were entering a new era of growth for the org after years of foundation building and wanted to upgrade. We had a nice, deliberate process coming up with some themes, symbols & tones they wanted to touch on and these mockups show what we came up with.

Not long after the new branding announcement I saw the LA Mayor's office had put the new logo on an honorary document for their outoing Executive Director, the wonderful & badass Clare Fox. I feel proud of that and super happy to see them shining! If you're in LA please give them a follow ->> @lagoodfood. ✨🥑


Project Recap: Kandace Thomas